Transforming Golf Course Operations with Drift Golf

Since the lockdowns of COVID-19, golf has gotten a lot more popular. There were 3.4 Million first-time players in 2023 in the USA alone. And these players are changing the overall demographics. Did you know that 26% of golfers are now women, and 1 in 3 are under the age of 34? Golfers are demanding more technology in every aspect of the game and Golf Course Managers like you are struggling to keep up. 

You have all these new golfers coming out to your course, but how do you keep them coming back? How do you make sure golfers have an excellent experience on your course?

An even better question is, do you know who you are trying to improve the experience for? What kind of products do your golfers want? How do you spend your marketing budget without knowing EXACTLY who golfs at your course? 

Drift Golf has developed a feature-rich, dual-benefit, easy-to-use system with no downtime to implement and no cost to the golfer.

We provides golfers with the level of service and experience they want through an app that gives them on-course services like food & beverage ordering, seamless side games and tournaments, state-of-the-art adjustment calculations, and an aim assist for golfers looking to improve their game.

The golf courses get to track golfers for pace-of-play management, host tournaments, increase their food and beverage revenue, and gather data from the golfers who play on their course while using their current staff more efficiently. Best of all, our system will let you know who is playing on your course and when.  Women vs Men golfers, Ages, skill level, local or out of town, right or left-handed, how many times they play a year, and much more.  

More insight = better business decisions.

Drift Golf requires no integration with your current systems.  We provide the right information directly to the people who need to know it, when they need to know it.  We are the easiest plug and play system. 

Interested in learning more? Book a demo through the link below.