Drift Golf is Heading to Austin

Drift Golf’s efforts to revolutionize the golf industry have not gone unnoticed.

Alberta Innovates has selected Drift Golf to be a part of the SXSW 2024 Delegation. Drift Golf is one of “50 high-potential companies looking to make connections, attract potential investors and take in valuable learning opportunities at one of the world’s largest tech conferences”.

We’re excited to attend SXSW with theses companies along side Alberta Innovates in Austin from March 6-11. Our COO, Tina Moreau, will join this delegation and bring Drift Golf to a global audience. Last year, Alberta Innovates’ delegation to SXSW led to over $6 million in business deals to date and generated more than 2,600 connections. We hope to help make this an even bigger year.

Are you also attending SXSW? Reach out on social media. We would love to hear from you and connect in March! 🧳

You can read more about the delegation here.